Special Events Calendar: Please note that due to the nature of our training since coming out of lockdown, no more events dates will be added to this page. Those training with us will know what's coming up...
4th January 2022 - At the Ho Ei Juku Hombu Dojo, Kenilworth, New Year celebration session.
12th December 2021 - At the Ho Ei Juku Hombu Dojo, Kenilworth, session contents to be announced.
17th October 2021 - At the Ho Ei Juku Hombu Dojo, Kenilworth, session contents to be announced.
22nd August 2021 - At the Ho Ei Juku Hombu Dojo, Kenilworth, the next full-on heavy Sunday training session - more hard work, circuits, pad/bag work and so on. Bring your own gum-shield...
25th July 2021 - At the Ho Ei Juku Hombu Dojo in Kenilworth, the first Sunday session for seniors, including an emphasis on hard work, impact pads, circuit training and full-on sparring techniques...
All pre-Covid-19 events have been removed as we are starting afresh, in the newly established dojo in Kenilworth.